October 19, 2021. News

VRU establishes Special Interest Group for Violence Involving those Identifying as Women & Girls

The VRU has established a Special Interest Group associated with the Violence Involving those Identifying as Women And Girls (VIIWAG).  It brings together colleagues from across partner agencies, practitioners, academics and includes representatives of our communities, including those identifying as women including from the Transgender community.

Meeting monthly, the meetings provide an opportunity to promote partnership working, to share information, to collate, test and evaluate the evidence and research associated with the risk posed both to – and by – women and girls from serious violence.  It takes opportunities to consider trauma informed approaches and interventions, together with wider problem-solving activities to address protection, prevention, preparedness and the pursuit of offenders. 

The SIG has established five sub-topic areas to structure meetings and discussions, including: 

The VIIWAG SIG is chaired by Inspector Gayle Tandy of the Violence Reduction Unit, with close links to Thames Valley Police and its Violence Against Women & Girls work, in line with the force strategic priority on this matter. 

To maintain a manageable meeting size and due to some of the detail discussed, it is not an open forum for the public to join. For those working in areas associated with this agenda, contact Inspector Gayle Tandy to discuss your participation: gayle.tandy@thamesvalley.police.uk

Future meetings and their themes as follows:

8 September 2021Sexual ViolenceThe End to End Rape Review Gayle Tandy VRU  Bystander Intervention Abigail Scott TVPFGM Anastasia Towers Academia
20 October 2021Women as OffendersHead Injury and Criminality Tom GoodenoughYoung Female Offending and YJ Jemma CalverDI Jim Holmes Alana House and OOCD
24 November 2021AcademiaWomen in OCGs Felia Allum AcademiaThe Incel MoonShot Analysis 
16 December 2021Safe PlacesOutdoor SpacesNight Time EconomyTransport
January 2022Trauma Informed PracticeTrauma Informed Helena Fahie PHEVRUSt Giles Trust
February 2022Organised Crime and ExploitationThe Alpha Female in OCG Victoria ButlerWomen and Money Laundering Maria Isom SEROCUMissing Young Women and Organised Crime M&E
March 2022Schools and Early InterventionPSHE and Healthy RelationshipsInstagramSafe Schools and Colleges
April 2022The Female Street PopulationSex WorkersRough SleepersSubstance Users