Youth Endowment Fund Toolkit – a summary of best available evidence

The Youth Endowment Fund aims to prevent children and young people becoming involved in violence and have been researching what works and support professionals putting this knowledge into practice.

The YEF Toolkit summarises the best available research evidence about different approaches to preventing serious youth violence. It is based on real life data about what has happened when these approaches have been used before.

It provides insight on 13 different approaches, with more to be added in the future. For each approach it explains what it is, how effective it’s likely to be, how confident you can be in the evidence of its impact, as well as indicative costs and links to related resources and programmes.

The Toolkit has been developed to help police forces, local authorities, youth charities, school leaders and others use evidence when making decisions about how best to keep children safe from violence.

For example, this could include:

The Toolkit presents research in a way that’s easy to access and easy to understand. It’s there to complement existing expertise and local knowledge, rather than replace it. So while it can’t provide you with definitive answers, it  suggests ‘best bets’ – approaches that are likely to make a positive difference to the children you work with, because they have worked well in the past.

Further information available on the Youth Endowment Fund Toolkit webpage.